Everyone Needs a Break …
Our family just returned from a big trip!
The kids with their Texas cousins! Farm kids still want to drive tractors on vacation, lol.
It was the first time in the 2.5 years we have lived on our Tennessee Ranch that we all got away together for a “vacation”.
There was work involved, so it wasn’t exactly all leisure, but it was the first time we have been away from the “daily grind” of animal care in approximately 912 days, give or take.
Kinda gives it sort of a different ring when you hear it that way, eh?
Bart’s Grandma turned 100 years old! This was the main reason for our big trip! Four generations in this picture!
We visited our old parish in Texas, Annunciation Catholic Church, in St. Hedwig, Texas.
Time for some “Liquid Therapy” at Frances’ uncle’s house in Arkansas on our way home to Tennessee as we get ready to hit the ground running when we get home!
I had been stressing and stressing and stressing some more over leaving the animals for this length of time (a whole week!) for MONTHS.
But God blessed us with AMAZING caretakers for our animals and we came home to a well-kept farm and everyone healthy and well.
I was most worried about Ava, our milk cow.
But all my worries were unfounded as Tangie and Emma took excellent care of her and she was in tip-top shape when we returned!
We also received regular progress reports and pictures of our critters from these two amazing ladies, as evidenced by the following:
So, what is the point of this blog today?
Do your homework.
Don’t worry.
God will work it out.
This is a greatfulness post on how much our neighbors care and how many people are rooting for us and want to help.